(Book ID: B1338)
Assignment Set- 2 (60 Marks)
Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions.
Q.1 Explain the characteristics and categories of competency.
as the term “competency”, as it refers to personal factors that enable individual performance, become too broad? Let’s begin by asking the question, “What factors are NOT competencies?”
First, we can eliminate the external factors. Those are “facilitators” of performance. (The opposite would be “barriers” to performance just as the opposite of competencies would be “weaknesses”.) External factors (e.g. resources, processes, information, rewards, etc.) can have a clear impact on the ability and/or willingness of an individual to perform, but the term “competency” includes only the factors that are elements of an individual person’s make-up. External facilitators of performance are not competencies.
So what is a person made of? And which of those elements affects the capacity to perform? Through my research and experience I have identified the following categories:
Physical (body or brain) traits that enable performance are called abilities. If a task requires one to lift a certain weight without aid of an external resource then the “performer” must have the capacity to lift weight. This ability is comprised of the muscle strength required, as well as the appendages required, to lift. The brain must also be able to interpret the instructions. Therefore, intelligence sufficient to grasp and act on the instructions is also an ability. However, intelligence, as a physical function of the brain, is not the only mental trait that is critical. For example, judgment is a competency that is based on knowledge rather than intelligence. Data storage is different from intellectual horsepower, but they are interdependent on one another when we need to leverage them.
The brain stores facts and generalizations about the world around us. For example, some of the information that we store allows us to understand and speak a language. Information comes from our personal interpretation of each event that unfolds in our life. Experience itself is not a competency so much as the knowledge we have gained from each experience is. This is most clear when we find that someone has learned a lesson from an experience that is contrary to what we expected. Do you know anyone that has graduated from college or passed a specific certification test, but who is not as good at a job as someone who learned from the “school of hard knocks” (general life experience on the streets)? Performance requires us to collect data and convert it into usable information so knowledge is a competency.
Skills are techniques that an individual has learned and intentionally applies to a given situation. The three most common academic skills are reading, writing, and arithmetic (computation). However, there are also gross motor skills such as riding a bicycle. An example of a combination of both skills would be using a specific software application (reading and typing). Many interpersonal traits are also learned skills (e.g. listening is a skill, hearing is an ability). Once a person becomes fluent at a skill they no longer consciously practice it. They just do it. When someone does not know how to do something that they never even knew was possible, they are unconsciously incompetent. After they learn of the skill’s existence they are consciously incompetent. As they learn the skill they pass from being a novice to being proficient to being an expert. At some point they may just begin to use the skill without even thinking about it. That level of unconscious competence may be called a habit, but habits are also things that we unconsciously do in response to some stimulus as part of a regular routine. For example, Pavlov’s dogs salivated when he rang the bell because they associated the bell ringing with being fed. Skills rely on knowledge and ability because you must have memory of prior experiences, if any, with the skill and the ability to execute the skill in order to use or improve the skill.
Q.2 Elaborate the concept of talent acquisition in detail.
Q.3 Discuss the benefits of corporate reconstruction.
Q.4 Explain the process of Talent Management.
Q.5 Discuss organisational issues in Talent Management.
Q.6 Discuss the purpose of Talent Management Acquisition System.
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