MA0032 – Merchant Banking and Financial Services – 2 Credits
(Book ID: B0857)
Assignment Set- 1 (30 Marks)
Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions.
Q.1 Discuss the categories of securities issue with emphasis on the comparative costs
and give examples for each type.
Q.2. Distinguish between fund based and fee based activities offered by Financial
services companies.
Q.3. List out the companies that offer factoring services and explain the method of
factoring provided.
[Type text] [Type text] Feb drive 2011
Master of Business Administration - MBA Semester III
MA0032 – Merchant Banking and Financial Services – 2 Credits
(Book ID: B0857)
Assignment Set- 2 (30 Marks)
Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions.
Q.1. What are the activities involved in public issue management.
Q.2. Distinguish between lease financing versus hire purchase financing.
Q.3. Banks offer financial services. Consider the example of a bank and its marketing
strategy for marketing the financial services.
Spring 2011(Feb-July)
Master of Business Administration - MBA Semester 4
Subject Code – MA0033
Subject Name – Treasury Management
2 Credits
(Book ID: B0856)
Assignment Set- 1 (30 Marks)
Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions.
Q.1. What are the diverse functions of an integrated treasury as compared to a conventional
Q.2 Explain the features of book-building and different stages involved in book building.
Q.3 Explain the concept of float. How float can be managed effectively.
Master of Business Administration - MBA Semester 4
Subject Code – MA0033
Subject Name – Treasury Management
2 Credits
(Book ID: B0856)
Assignment Set- 2 (30 Marks)
Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions.
Q.1 Explain loanable fund theory and liquidity preference theory
Q.2 Explain the objectives of foreign exchange control and management
Q.3 Explain the role of liquidity risk management in Asset liability management
Spring 2011(Feb-July)
Master of Business Administration - MBA Semester 4
Subject Code – MA0034
Subject Name – Corporate Banking
4 Credits
(Book ID: B0858)
Assignment Set- 1 (60 Marks)
Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions.
Q.1 Banks at present are playing a catalyst role in economic development by financing
infrastructure development projects. Substantiate your views on this.
Q.2 Critically analyze different stages of Commercial banking.
Q.3 Explain queuing and grid lock mechanism.
Spring 2011(Feb-July)
Master of Business Administration - MBA Semester 4
Subject Code – MA0034
Subject Name – Corporate Banking
4 Credits
(Book ID: B0858)
Assignment Set- 2 (60 Marks)
Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions.
Q.1 Bring out the latest guidelines on ‘Know your Customer’ norms and Anti-money
laundering measures.
Q.2 Prepare liquidity maturity profile classifying various time buckets for outflows and
inflows. Include at least 5 outflows and inflows in the table.
Q.3 Explain the pillars of BASEL II and what paved way for BASEL III?
[Type text] [Type text] Feb 2011
Master of Business Administration - MBA Semester 3
MA0035 – Institutional Banking - 2 Credits
(Book ID: B0888)
Assignment Set- 1 (30 Marks)
Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions.
Q.1 Discuss the importance of Microfinance and the mechanism of lending.
Q.2 Discuss role and functions of NABARD.
Q.3 What are the principal functions of the IMF.
[Type text] [Type text] Feb 2011
Master of Business Administration - MBA Semester 3
MA0035 – Institutional Banking- 2 Credits
(Book ID: B0888)
Assignment Set- 2 (30 Marks)
Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions.
Q.1 Being in the jewellery export business, discuss what are the export financing
methods available.
Q.2 What are the future challenges for retail banking in India.
Q.3 Study the Model of microfinance followed by Grameen Bank.
Spring 2011(Feb-July)
Master of Business Administration - MBA Semester 4
Subject Code – MF0006
Subject Name – International Financial Management
2 Credits
(Book ID: B0889)
Assignment Set- 1 (30 Marks)
Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions.
Q.1 Explain briefly the different exchange rate regime that are prevalent today.
Q.2 What is arbitrage? Explain with the help of suitable example a two-way and a three
way arbitrage.
Q.3 You are given the following information:
Spot EUR/USD : 0.7940/0.8007 Spot USD/GBP: 1.8215/1.8240
Three months swap: 25/35
Calculate three month EUR/USD rate.
Master of Business Administration - MBA Semester 4
Subject Code – MF0006
Subject Name – International Financial Management
2 Credits
(Book ID: B0889)
Assignment Set- 2 (30 Marks)
Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions.
Q1. What is meant by BOP? How are capital account convertibility and current account
convertibility different? What is the current scenario in India?
Q2. What are foreign exchange markets? Who are the players in the foreign exchange
market? What is meant by exchange rate quotations?
Q3. Distinguish between Eurobond and foreign bonds? What are the unique characteristics
of Eurobond markets?
Spring 2011(Feb-July)
Master of Business Administration - MBA Semester X
Subject Code – MF0007
Subject Name – Treasury Management
2 Credits
(Book ID: B0856)
Assignment Set- 1 (30 Marks)
Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions.
Q.1. What are the diverse functions of an Integrated treasury as compared to a conventional
Q.2 Explain the features of book-building and different stages involved in book building.
Q.3 Explain the concept of float. How float can be managed effectively?
Master of Business Administration - MBA Semester X
Subject Code – MF0007
Subject Name – Treasury Management
2 Credits
(Book ID: B0856)
Assignment Set- 2 (30 Marks)
Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions.
Q.1 Explain loanable fund theory and liquidity preference theory
Q.2 Explain the objectives of foreign exchange control and management
Q.3 Explain the role of liquidity risk management in Asset liability management
[Type text] [Type text] Feb drive 2011
Master of Business Administration - MBA Semester III
MF0008 – Merchant Banking and Financial Services – 2 Credits
(Book ID: B0857)
Assignment Set- 1 (30 Marks)
Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions.
Q.1 Differentiate between capital market and money market instruments.
Q.2. Compare the marketing strategy of any financial services company with another.
Q.3 Explain the mechanism of securitization and the benefits for a company.
[Type text] [Type text] Feb drive 2011
Master of Business Administration - MBA Semester III
MF0008 – Merchant Banking and Financial Services – 2 Credits
(Book ID:B0857)
Assignment Set- 2 (30 Marks)
Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions.
Q.1 Discuss the importance of growth of merchant banking in India.
Q.2. Explain the book building process with an example of a recent issue.
Q.3. Discuss the considerations of marketing products at different stages of
the family life cycle.
Spring 2011(Feb-July)
Master of Business Administration - MBA Semester 4
Subject Code – MF0009
Subject Name – Insurance and Risk Management
2 Credits
(Book ID: B0855)
Assignment Set- 1 (30 Marks)
Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions.
Q.1 Explain the steps involved in risk management process? [10 Marks]
Q.2 Discuss the relevance of insurance as social security. Bring out the latest
development in Insurance industry on social security. [10 Marks]
Q.3 Write short notes on:
a. Contract of Indemnity
b. COPRA , 1986 [5+5 Marks]
Spring 2011(Feb-July)
Master of Business Administration - MBA Semester 4
Subject Code – MF0009
Subject Name – Insurance and Risk Management
2 Credits
(Book ID: B0855)
Assignment Set- 2 (30 Marks)
Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions.
Q.1 Explain the steps involved in Risk Management Technique [10 Marks]
Q.2 Explain the concept of banassurance and bring out the latest development in the
banking Industry for promoting banassurance products. [10 Marks]
Q.3 Detail the future growth and opportunities of Indian Insurance Industry [10 Marks]
February 2011
Master of Business Administration – MBA Semester 3
MK0006 – Services Marketing and Customer Relationship Management - 2 Credits
Assignment Set – 1
[30 Marks]
Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions.
Q.1 Mention the different bases for segmentation with appropriate examples. [10
Q.2 Discuss the challenges involved in services marketing. [10 marks]
Q.3. What do you mean by customer’s service perception and how to influence
customer perceptions? [10 marks]
February 2011
Master of Business Administration-MBA Semester 3
MK0006 – Services Marketing and Customer Relationship Management - 2 Credits
Assignment Set – 2
(30 Marks)
Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions.
Q.1 Create an appropriate marketing mix for telecommunications organisation. [10
Q.2 What is CRM? Explain the emerging concepts in CRM. [10 marks]
Q.3 How to formulate and implement effective CRM strategies? [10 marks]
February 2011
Master of Business Administration – MBA Semester 3
MK0007 – Advertising Management and Sales Promotion - 2 Credits
Assignment Set – 1
30 Marks
Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions.
Q.1 Discuss the role of advertising in marketing mix and positioning decisions. [10 marks]
Q.2 How is media planning done? Explain the procedures involved. [10 marks]
Q.3 A MBA student wants to learn about ad copy – its objectives, copy testing, types of
copy, creativity in advertising and how it helps to advertise effectively. Kindly help her
to enhance her knowledge about ad copy. [10 marks]
February 2011
Master of Business Administration-MBA Semester 3
MK0007 – Advertising Management and Sales Promotion – 2 Credits
Assignment Set – 2
30 Marks
Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions.
Q.1 Explain the importance of advertising to marketers. [10 marks]
Q.2 What are the different types of budgeting methods applicable in advertising while
deciding about ad budgets? [10 marks]
Q.3 ABC Company is a newly formed company dealing in lab equipment. They don’t have
much expertise in advertising. Suggest to ABC Company as to how to select an ad
agency to advertise its products. [10 marks]
February 2011
Master of Business Administration – MBA Semester 4
MK0008 – E-Marketing - 2 Credits
Assignment Set – 1
30 Marks
Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions.
Q.1 What do you mean by e-marketing? How does it help businesses? [10 marks]
Q.2 Discuss the various e-business models with examples. [10 marks]
Q.3. What is marketing knowledge management and Marketing information system?
Explain briefly. [10 marks]
February 2011
Master of Business Administration-MBA Semester 4
MK0008 – E-Marketing - 2 Credits
Assignment Set – 2
30 Marks
Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions.
Q.1 Give a detail note on functional e-business models. [10 marks]
Q.2 What’s the relevance of customer behaviour in B2B e-marketing? Give examples.
[10 marks]
Q.3 a. Give a note on differentiation strategies for e-marketing. [5 marks]
b. What are the building blocks for successful e-CRM? [5 marks]
February 2011
Master of Business Administration – MBA Semester 3
MK0009 – International Marketing - 2 Credits
Assignment Set – 1
30 Marks
Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions.
Q.1 Explain the stages of international marketing. [10 marks]
Q.2 Give a detail note on protectionism. [10 marks]
Q.3 Which are the various international market entry strategies? Give examples. [10
February 2011
Master of Business Administration-MBA Semester 3
MK0009 – International Marketing - 2 Credits
Assignment Set – 2
30 Marks
Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions.
Q.1 Discuss some international marketing issues with relevant examples. [10 marks]
Q.2 Identify the various tariff and non-tariff barriers with examples. [10 marks]
Q.3 a) Give a short note on types of primary research methods. [05 marks]
b) In the context of distribution channels, what is gap analysis? Briefly explain. [05
Feb Drive 2011
Master of Business Administration - MBA Semester IV
OM0006 –Maintenance Management- 2 Credits
(Book ID: B1148)
Assignment - Set- 1 (30 Marks)
Note: Each Question carries 10 marks. Answer all the questions.
Q1. Discuss Dynamics of a Maintenance Organisation. What are the features of
Preventive Maintenance?
Q2. Explain Master production Schedule. Briefly summarize effect of maintenance
types on resources.
Q3. Explain Functional Requirements in Work Management. Describe Close Work in
Work Management Process.
Feb Drive 2011
Master of Business Administration - MBA Semester IV
OM0006 –Maintenance Management- 2 Credits
(Book ID: B1148)
Assignment - Set- 2 (30 Marks)
Note: Each Question carries 10 marks. Answer all the questions.
Q1. What is meant by planned/scheduled/productive maintenance and what
emphasis it pays in maintaining the machine/equipment?
Q2. Explain briefly how the use of six principles will greatly contribute to the overall
success of scheduling.
Q3. Explain briefly different steps in documentation. Define the guidelines in
Documentation Strategy.
Feb Drive 2011
Master of Business Administration - MBA Semester IV
OM0007 – Quality Management- 2 Credits
(Book ID: B1155)
Assignment - Set- 1 (30 Marks)
Note: Each Question carries 10 marks. Answer all the questions.
Q1. Describe data quality review and monitoring. Briefly describe how to improve
data quality.
Q2. Define the word ‘Quality’. Write a note on Juran’s Quality Trilogy and Crosby’s
Absolutes of Quality.
Q3. Explain QMS and reasons for implementing QMS.
Master of Business Administration - MBA Semester IV
OM0007 –Quality Management- 2 Credits
(Book ID: B1155)
Assignment - Set- 2 (30 Marks)
Note: Each Question carries 10 marks. Answer all the questions.
Q1. Describe Reliability. Describe the methods of achieving reliability.
Q2. Describe Internal Failure and External Failure costs with example.
Q3. What is CMM? Define five maturity Levels.
Feb Drive 2011
Master of Business Administration - MBA Semester IV
OM0008 – Advanced Production Planning & Control - 2 Credits
(Book ID: B1162)
Assignment - Set- 1 (30 Marks)
Note: Each Question carries 10 marks. Answer all the questions.
Q1. How aggregate planning and Master production scheduling are required to be
considered, while integrating the planning and control activities?
Q2. Explain the generics of FMS. What are its fundamental building blocks? How its
features and characteristics have made it a favourite among manufacturing
Q3. What is meant by Economic Order Quantity? Explain with the help of a sketch
the relationship matrix of EOQ with annual inventory cost, annual inventory
carrying cost, and annual ordering costs?
Master of Business Administration - MBA Semester IV
OM0008 – Advanced Production Planning & Control - 2 Credits
(Book ID: B1162)
Assignment - Set- 2 (30 Marks)
Note: Each Question carries 10 marks. Answer all the questions.
Q1. Explain briefly on the classification of EOQ models and the deterministic model
used in inventory management?
Q2. What is Autonomation? Explain its application with examples?
Q3. Explain in brief the Golratt’s “Theory of constraint” and the five focussed steps
of TOC recommended for solving the constraints/ problems.
Feb Drive 2011
Master of Business Administration - MBA Semester IV
OM0009 – Technology Management- 2 Credits
(Book ID: B0893)
Assignment - Set- 1 (30 Marks)
Note: Each Question carries 10 marks. Answer all the questions.
Q1. “Managing technology essentially involves four concepts, namely: New
ventures, Innovation, Research and Research infrastructure.” Comment.
Q2. What is Technology Forecasting? Explain its role at national and enterprise
Q3. The basic role of technology strategy in business planning is to help ask the
questions like: what business the corporation plans to be in and how it should
be positioned? Comment.
Master of Business Administration - MBA Semester IV
OM0009 – Technology Management- 2 Credits
(Book ID: B0893)
Assignment - Set- 2 (30 Marks)
Note: Each Question carries 10 marks. Answer all the questions.
Q1. State the possible reasons as to why a company may prefer to obtain a
technology where it has the opportunity to obtain a license.
Q2. Explain the role of technology absorption in project implementation. Explain
KNOW-HOW and KNOW-WHY processes.
Q3. Discuss the range of roles which leaders of new product innovation, from the
project manager up through the executive level, are required to play.
February 2011
Master of Business Administration – MBA Semester 4
ML0006 – Services Marketing and Customer Relationship Management - 2 Credits
Assignment Set – 1
30 Marks
Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions.
Q.1 Mention the different bases for segmentation with appropriate examples. [10
Q.2 Discuss the challenges involved in services marketing. [10 marks]
Q.3. What do you mean by customer’s service perception and how to influence
customer perceptions? [10 marks]
February 2011
Master of Business Administration-MBA Semester 4
ML0006 – Services Marketing and Customer Relationship Management – 2 Credits
Assignment Set – 2
30 Marks
Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions.
Q.1 Create an appropriate marketing mix for telecommunications organisation. [10
Q.2 What is CRM? Explain the emerging concepts in CRM. [10 marks]
Q.3 How to formulate and implement effective CRM strategies? [10 marks]
February 2011
Master of Business Administration – MBA Semester 4
ML0007 – Advertising Management and Sales Promotion - 2 Credits
Assignment Set – 1
30 Marks
Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions.
Q.1 Discuss the role of advertising in marketing mix and positioning decisions. [10 marks]
Q.2 How is media planning done? Explain the procedures involved. [10 marks]
Q.3 A MBA student wants to learn about ad copy – its objectives, copy testing, types of
copy, creativity in advertising and how it helps to advertise effectively. Kindly help her
to enhance her knowledge about ad copy. [10 marks]
February 2011
Master of Business Administration-MBA Semester 4
ML0007 – Advertising Management and Sales Promotion – 2 Credits
Assignment Set – 2
30 Marks
Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions.
Q.1 Explain the importance of advertising to marketers. [10 marks]
Q.2 What are the different types of budgeting methods applicable in advertising while
deciding about ad budgets? [10 marks]
Q.3 XYZ Company is a newly formed company dealing in lab equipment. They don’t have
much expertise in advertising. Suggest to XYZ Company as to how to select an ad
agency to advertise its products. [10 marks]
February 2011
Master of Business Administration – MBA Semester 4
ML0008 – Mall Management - 2 Credits
Assignment Set – 1
30 Marks
Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions.
Q.1 Give an overview on Indian retail. [10 marks]
Q.2 Discuss retail strategy formulation involving necessary steps. [10 marks]
Q.3 Write an elaborate note on demand management. [10 marks]
February 2011
Master of Business Administration-MBA Semester 4
ML0008 – Mall Management - 2 Credits
Assignment Set – 2
30 Marks
Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions.
Q.1 What is TCE? What is ABC classification? Give example. [10 marks]
Q.2 Give a note on Precision mall management. [10 marks]
Q.3. Do you find any similarities or differences or inter-dependence between CPG and
DFR? Justify your answer. [10 marks]
February 2011
Master of Business Administration – MBA Semester 4
ML0009 – Project Management in Retail - 2 Credits
Assignment Set – 1
30 Marks
Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions.
Q.1 What’s the scope for retail management as a profession? What is the role of project
manager in retail? [10 marks]
Q.2 How to identify investment opportunities for retail projects? [10 marks]
Q.3 Mention and elaborate on the planning commission’s guidelines for project
formulation in retail? [10 marks]
February 2011
Master of Business Administration-MBA Semester 4
ML0009 – Project Management in Retail - 2 Credits
Assignment Set – 2
30 Marks
Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions.
Q.1 What are the basis to appraise retail operations? Explain. [10 marks]
Q.2 Write a note on project environment in retail. [10 marks]
Q.3 What are the types of projects in retail and its life cycle in retail stores? [10 marks]
Spring 2011(Feb-July)
Master of Business Administration - Semester 4
“Total Quality Management” Specialization
QM0006 – ISO/QS 9000 Elements
(2 credits)
(Book ID: B1150)
Marks 30
Note: Each Question carries 10 marks. Answer all the questions.
1. Write a brief note on the following:
a. Quality Manual
b. Contract Review
2. What are the features and benefits of “Documentation”?
3. Assume that you are the Purchasing Manager of an automotive component manufacturing
company. What are the various parameters you consider while evaluating the
subcontractors? What criteria you use for selecting the suppliers?
Spring 2011(Feb-July)
Master of Business Administration - Semester 4
“Total Quality Management” Specialization
QM0006 – ISO/QS 9000 Elements
(2 credits)
(Book ID: B1150)
Marks 30
Note: Each Question carries 10 marks
1. Write a brief note on “Product identification, traceability and preservation”.
2. Describe the steps in process improvement program. Write a brief note on “Inspection and
3. Suppose say you have started a new Manufacturing Company & you are following the legal
rules and considering all the ethical issues. Now that you want to conduct Internal Quality
Audit. How do go about it? What are the factors you consider?
Feb 2011
“Total Quality Management” Specialization
Management of Quality in the Organization
Subject Code: QM0007
Book ID: B1139 (2 credits)
Set 1
Marks 30
Note: Each Question carries 10 marks
1. Explain the role of Senior Management in improving the overall Quality in an Organization.
2. (a) Write a note on Leadership vs Management.
(b) If you were supposed to judge an employee on his leadership qualities, what
parameters and competencies would you look at?
3. What is meant by Strategic Quality Management? Explain the steps involved in Strategic
Quality Planning.
Feb 2011
“Total Quality Management” Specialization
Management of Quality in the Organization
Subject Code: QM0007
Book ID: B1139 (2 credits)
Set 2
Marks 30
Note: Each Question carries 10 marks
1. Explain the steps involved in the process of determining the customer satisfaction.
2. Write a note on Decision making in Organization.
3. What is a business process? Describe the concept of Business Process Re-engineering.
Feb 2011
“Total Quality Management” Specialization
Quality Management System
Subject Code: QM0008 (2 credits)
Semester 4
Book ID: B1165
Set 1
Marks 30
Note: Each Question carries 10 marks
1. Write a brief note on ISO 9001 QMS requirements.
2. What is COPC? Describe the standards that comprise COPC family of standards?
3. What is ISO/TS 16949? Explain “management review” with respect to ISO/TS 16949. What
are the benefits of ISO/TS 16949?
Feb 2011
“Total Quality Management” Specialization
Quality Management System
Subject Code: QM0008 (2 credits)
Semester 4
Book ID: B1165
Set 2
Marks 30
Note: Each Question carries 10 marks
1. Explain AS9100 Family of Standards. What are the benefits of AS9100?
2. Discuss the importance and benefits of ISO 14001.
3. Discuss briefly the I.T Service Management. What are its benefits?
Feb 2011
“Total Quality Management” Specialization
Quality Development Methods
Subject Code: QM0009 (2 credits)
Book ID: B1154
Set 1
Marks 30
Note: Each Question carries 10 marks
1. (a) What is Strategic Quality Management? What are its Objectives?
(b) Describe the stages of Strategic Quality Management process.
2. Assume that you are working in a private run Airlines Company. Perform a SWOT analysis
for your organisation and prepare a report.
3. With an example illustrate the importance of Supplier Development.
Feb 2011
“Total Quality Management” Specialization
Quality Development Methods
Subject Code: QM0009 (2 credits)
Book ID: B1154
Set 2
Marks 30
Note: Each Question carries 10 marks
1. What do you mean by Participative Management?
2. Who is a “Stakeholder”? Describe the importance and issues in Stakeholder Participation.
3. What is meant by Performance Analysis? What are the advantages of Performance
(Book ID: B0857)
Assignment Set- 1 (30 Marks)
Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions.
Q.1 Discuss the categories of securities issue with emphasis on the comparative costs
and give examples for each type.
Q.2. Distinguish between fund based and fee based activities offered by Financial
services companies.
Q.3. List out the companies that offer factoring services and explain the method of
factoring provided.
[Type text] [Type text] Feb drive 2011
Master of Business Administration - MBA Semester III
MA0032 – Merchant Banking and Financial Services – 2 Credits
(Book ID: B0857)
Assignment Set- 2 (30 Marks)
Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions.
Q.1. What are the activities involved in public issue management.
Q.2. Distinguish between lease financing versus hire purchase financing.
Q.3. Banks offer financial services. Consider the example of a bank and its marketing
strategy for marketing the financial services.
Spring 2011(Feb-July)
Master of Business Administration - MBA Semester 4
Subject Code – MA0033
Subject Name – Treasury Management
2 Credits
(Book ID: B0856)
Assignment Set- 1 (30 Marks)
Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions.
Q.1. What are the diverse functions of an integrated treasury as compared to a conventional
Q.2 Explain the features of book-building and different stages involved in book building.
Q.3 Explain the concept of float. How float can be managed effectively.
Master of Business Administration - MBA Semester 4
Subject Code – MA0033
Subject Name – Treasury Management
2 Credits
(Book ID: B0856)
Assignment Set- 2 (30 Marks)
Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions.
Q.1 Explain loanable fund theory and liquidity preference theory
Q.2 Explain the objectives of foreign exchange control and management
Q.3 Explain the role of liquidity risk management in Asset liability management
Spring 2011(Feb-July)
Master of Business Administration - MBA Semester 4
Subject Code – MA0034
Subject Name – Corporate Banking
4 Credits
(Book ID: B0858)
Assignment Set- 1 (60 Marks)
Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions.
Q.1 Banks at present are playing a catalyst role in economic development by financing
infrastructure development projects. Substantiate your views on this.
Q.2 Critically analyze different stages of Commercial banking.
Q.3 Explain queuing and grid lock mechanism.
Spring 2011(Feb-July)
Master of Business Administration - MBA Semester 4
Subject Code – MA0034
Subject Name – Corporate Banking
4 Credits
(Book ID: B0858)
Assignment Set- 2 (60 Marks)
Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions.
Q.1 Bring out the latest guidelines on ‘Know your Customer’ norms and Anti-money
laundering measures.
Q.2 Prepare liquidity maturity profile classifying various time buckets for outflows and
inflows. Include at least 5 outflows and inflows in the table.
Q.3 Explain the pillars of BASEL II and what paved way for BASEL III?
[Type text] [Type text] Feb 2011
Master of Business Administration - MBA Semester 3
MA0035 – Institutional Banking - 2 Credits
(Book ID: B0888)
Assignment Set- 1 (30 Marks)
Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions.
Q.1 Discuss the importance of Microfinance and the mechanism of lending.
Q.2 Discuss role and functions of NABARD.
Q.3 What are the principal functions of the IMF.
[Type text] [Type text] Feb 2011
Master of Business Administration - MBA Semester 3
MA0035 – Institutional Banking- 2 Credits
(Book ID: B0888)
Assignment Set- 2 (30 Marks)
Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions.
Q.1 Being in the jewellery export business, discuss what are the export financing
methods available.
Q.2 What are the future challenges for retail banking in India.
Q.3 Study the Model of microfinance followed by Grameen Bank.
Spring 2011(Feb-July)
Master of Business Administration - MBA Semester 4
Subject Code – MF0006
Subject Name – International Financial Management
2 Credits
(Book ID: B0889)
Assignment Set- 1 (30 Marks)
Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions.
Q.1 Explain briefly the different exchange rate regime that are prevalent today.
Q.2 What is arbitrage? Explain with the help of suitable example a two-way and a three
way arbitrage.
Q.3 You are given the following information:
Spot EUR/USD : 0.7940/0.8007 Spot USD/GBP: 1.8215/1.8240
Three months swap: 25/35
Calculate three month EUR/USD rate.
Master of Business Administration - MBA Semester 4
Subject Code – MF0006
Subject Name – International Financial Management
2 Credits
(Book ID: B0889)
Assignment Set- 2 (30 Marks)
Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions.
Q1. What is meant by BOP? How are capital account convertibility and current account
convertibility different? What is the current scenario in India?
Q2. What are foreign exchange markets? Who are the players in the foreign exchange
market? What is meant by exchange rate quotations?
Q3. Distinguish between Eurobond and foreign bonds? What are the unique characteristics
of Eurobond markets?
Spring 2011(Feb-July)
Master of Business Administration - MBA Semester X
Subject Code – MF0007
Subject Name – Treasury Management
2 Credits
(Book ID: B0856)
Assignment Set- 1 (30 Marks)
Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions.
Q.1. What are the diverse functions of an Integrated treasury as compared to a conventional
Q.2 Explain the features of book-building and different stages involved in book building.
Q.3 Explain the concept of float. How float can be managed effectively?
Master of Business Administration - MBA Semester X
Subject Code – MF0007
Subject Name – Treasury Management
2 Credits
(Book ID: B0856)
Assignment Set- 2 (30 Marks)
Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions.
Q.1 Explain loanable fund theory and liquidity preference theory
Q.2 Explain the objectives of foreign exchange control and management
Q.3 Explain the role of liquidity risk management in Asset liability management
[Type text] [Type text] Feb drive 2011
Master of Business Administration - MBA Semester III
MF0008 – Merchant Banking and Financial Services – 2 Credits
(Book ID: B0857)
Assignment Set- 1 (30 Marks)
Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions.
Q.1 Differentiate between capital market and money market instruments.
Q.2. Compare the marketing strategy of any financial services company with another.
Q.3 Explain the mechanism of securitization and the benefits for a company.
[Type text] [Type text] Feb drive 2011
Master of Business Administration - MBA Semester III
MF0008 – Merchant Banking and Financial Services – 2 Credits
(Book ID:B0857)
Assignment Set- 2 (30 Marks)
Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions.
Q.1 Discuss the importance of growth of merchant banking in India.
Q.2. Explain the book building process with an example of a recent issue.
Q.3. Discuss the considerations of marketing products at different stages of
the family life cycle.
Spring 2011(Feb-July)
Master of Business Administration - MBA Semester 4
Subject Code – MF0009
Subject Name – Insurance and Risk Management
2 Credits
(Book ID: B0855)
Assignment Set- 1 (30 Marks)
Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions.
Q.1 Explain the steps involved in risk management process? [10 Marks]
Q.2 Discuss the relevance of insurance as social security. Bring out the latest
development in Insurance industry on social security. [10 Marks]
Q.3 Write short notes on:
a. Contract of Indemnity
b. COPRA , 1986 [5+5 Marks]
Spring 2011(Feb-July)
Master of Business Administration - MBA Semester 4
Subject Code – MF0009
Subject Name – Insurance and Risk Management
2 Credits
(Book ID: B0855)
Assignment Set- 2 (30 Marks)
Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions.
Q.1 Explain the steps involved in Risk Management Technique [10 Marks]
Q.2 Explain the concept of banassurance and bring out the latest development in the
banking Industry for promoting banassurance products. [10 Marks]
Q.3 Detail the future growth and opportunities of Indian Insurance Industry [10 Marks]
February 2011
Master of Business Administration – MBA Semester 3
MK0006 – Services Marketing and Customer Relationship Management - 2 Credits
Assignment Set – 1
[30 Marks]
Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions.
Q.1 Mention the different bases for segmentation with appropriate examples. [10
Q.2 Discuss the challenges involved in services marketing. [10 marks]
Q.3. What do you mean by customer’s service perception and how to influence
customer perceptions? [10 marks]
February 2011
Master of Business Administration-MBA Semester 3
MK0006 – Services Marketing and Customer Relationship Management - 2 Credits
Assignment Set – 2
(30 Marks)
Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions.
Q.1 Create an appropriate marketing mix for telecommunications organisation. [10
Q.2 What is CRM? Explain the emerging concepts in CRM. [10 marks]
Q.3 How to formulate and implement effective CRM strategies? [10 marks]
February 2011
Master of Business Administration – MBA Semester 3
MK0007 – Advertising Management and Sales Promotion - 2 Credits
Assignment Set – 1
30 Marks
Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions.
Q.1 Discuss the role of advertising in marketing mix and positioning decisions. [10 marks]
Q.2 How is media planning done? Explain the procedures involved. [10 marks]
Q.3 A MBA student wants to learn about ad copy – its objectives, copy testing, types of
copy, creativity in advertising and how it helps to advertise effectively. Kindly help her
to enhance her knowledge about ad copy. [10 marks]
February 2011
Master of Business Administration-MBA Semester 3
MK0007 – Advertising Management and Sales Promotion – 2 Credits
Assignment Set – 2
30 Marks
Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions.
Q.1 Explain the importance of advertising to marketers. [10 marks]
Q.2 What are the different types of budgeting methods applicable in advertising while
deciding about ad budgets? [10 marks]
Q.3 ABC Company is a newly formed company dealing in lab equipment. They don’t have
much expertise in advertising. Suggest to ABC Company as to how to select an ad
agency to advertise its products. [10 marks]
February 2011
Master of Business Administration – MBA Semester 4
MK0008 – E-Marketing - 2 Credits
Assignment Set – 1
30 Marks
Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions.
Q.1 What do you mean by e-marketing? How does it help businesses? [10 marks]
Q.2 Discuss the various e-business models with examples. [10 marks]
Q.3. What is marketing knowledge management and Marketing information system?
Explain briefly. [10 marks]
February 2011
Master of Business Administration-MBA Semester 4
MK0008 – E-Marketing - 2 Credits
Assignment Set – 2
30 Marks
Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions.
Q.1 Give a detail note on functional e-business models. [10 marks]
Q.2 What’s the relevance of customer behaviour in B2B e-marketing? Give examples.
[10 marks]
Q.3 a. Give a note on differentiation strategies for e-marketing. [5 marks]
b. What are the building blocks for successful e-CRM? [5 marks]
February 2011
Master of Business Administration – MBA Semester 3
MK0009 – International Marketing - 2 Credits
Assignment Set – 1
30 Marks
Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions.
Q.1 Explain the stages of international marketing. [10 marks]
Q.2 Give a detail note on protectionism. [10 marks]
Q.3 Which are the various international market entry strategies? Give examples. [10
February 2011
Master of Business Administration-MBA Semester 3
MK0009 – International Marketing - 2 Credits
Assignment Set – 2
30 Marks
Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions.
Q.1 Discuss some international marketing issues with relevant examples. [10 marks]
Q.2 Identify the various tariff and non-tariff barriers with examples. [10 marks]
Q.3 a) Give a short note on types of primary research methods. [05 marks]
b) In the context of distribution channels, what is gap analysis? Briefly explain. [05
Feb Drive 2011
Master of Business Administration - MBA Semester IV
OM0006 –Maintenance Management- 2 Credits
(Book ID: B1148)
Assignment - Set- 1 (30 Marks)
Note: Each Question carries 10 marks. Answer all the questions.
Q1. Discuss Dynamics of a Maintenance Organisation. What are the features of
Preventive Maintenance?
Q2. Explain Master production Schedule. Briefly summarize effect of maintenance
types on resources.
Q3. Explain Functional Requirements in Work Management. Describe Close Work in
Work Management Process.
Feb Drive 2011
Master of Business Administration - MBA Semester IV
OM0006 –Maintenance Management- 2 Credits
(Book ID: B1148)
Assignment - Set- 2 (30 Marks)
Note: Each Question carries 10 marks. Answer all the questions.
Q1. What is meant by planned/scheduled/productive maintenance and what
emphasis it pays in maintaining the machine/equipment?
Q2. Explain briefly how the use of six principles will greatly contribute to the overall
success of scheduling.
Q3. Explain briefly different steps in documentation. Define the guidelines in
Documentation Strategy.
Feb Drive 2011
Master of Business Administration - MBA Semester IV
OM0007 – Quality Management- 2 Credits
(Book ID: B1155)
Assignment - Set- 1 (30 Marks)
Note: Each Question carries 10 marks. Answer all the questions.
Q1. Describe data quality review and monitoring. Briefly describe how to improve
data quality.
Q2. Define the word ‘Quality’. Write a note on Juran’s Quality Trilogy and Crosby’s
Absolutes of Quality.
Q3. Explain QMS and reasons for implementing QMS.
Master of Business Administration - MBA Semester IV
OM0007 –Quality Management- 2 Credits
(Book ID: B1155)
Assignment - Set- 2 (30 Marks)
Note: Each Question carries 10 marks. Answer all the questions.
Q1. Describe Reliability. Describe the methods of achieving reliability.
Q2. Describe Internal Failure and External Failure costs with example.
Q3. What is CMM? Define five maturity Levels.
Feb Drive 2011
Master of Business Administration - MBA Semester IV
OM0008 – Advanced Production Planning & Control - 2 Credits
(Book ID: B1162)
Assignment - Set- 1 (30 Marks)
Note: Each Question carries 10 marks. Answer all the questions.
Q1. How aggregate planning and Master production scheduling are required to be
considered, while integrating the planning and control activities?
Q2. Explain the generics of FMS. What are its fundamental building blocks? How its
features and characteristics have made it a favourite among manufacturing
Q3. What is meant by Economic Order Quantity? Explain with the help of a sketch
the relationship matrix of EOQ with annual inventory cost, annual inventory
carrying cost, and annual ordering costs?
Master of Business Administration - MBA Semester IV
OM0008 – Advanced Production Planning & Control - 2 Credits
(Book ID: B1162)
Assignment - Set- 2 (30 Marks)
Note: Each Question carries 10 marks. Answer all the questions.
Q1. Explain briefly on the classification of EOQ models and the deterministic model
used in inventory management?
Q2. What is Autonomation? Explain its application with examples?
Q3. Explain in brief the Golratt’s “Theory of constraint” and the five focussed steps
of TOC recommended for solving the constraints/ problems.
Feb Drive 2011
Master of Business Administration - MBA Semester IV
OM0009 – Technology Management- 2 Credits
(Book ID: B0893)
Assignment - Set- 1 (30 Marks)
Note: Each Question carries 10 marks. Answer all the questions.
Q1. “Managing technology essentially involves four concepts, namely: New
ventures, Innovation, Research and Research infrastructure.” Comment.
Q2. What is Technology Forecasting? Explain its role at national and enterprise
Q3. The basic role of technology strategy in business planning is to help ask the
questions like: what business the corporation plans to be in and how it should
be positioned? Comment.
Master of Business Administration - MBA Semester IV
OM0009 – Technology Management- 2 Credits
(Book ID: B0893)
Assignment - Set- 2 (30 Marks)
Note: Each Question carries 10 marks. Answer all the questions.
Q1. State the possible reasons as to why a company may prefer to obtain a
technology where it has the opportunity to obtain a license.
Q2. Explain the role of technology absorption in project implementation. Explain
KNOW-HOW and KNOW-WHY processes.
Q3. Discuss the range of roles which leaders of new product innovation, from the
project manager up through the executive level, are required to play.
February 2011
Master of Business Administration – MBA Semester 4
ML0006 – Services Marketing and Customer Relationship Management - 2 Credits
Assignment Set – 1
30 Marks
Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions.
Q.1 Mention the different bases for segmentation with appropriate examples. [10
Q.2 Discuss the challenges involved in services marketing. [10 marks]
Q.3. What do you mean by customer’s service perception and how to influence
customer perceptions? [10 marks]
February 2011
Master of Business Administration-MBA Semester 4
ML0006 – Services Marketing and Customer Relationship Management – 2 Credits
Assignment Set – 2
30 Marks
Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions.
Q.1 Create an appropriate marketing mix for telecommunications organisation. [10
Q.2 What is CRM? Explain the emerging concepts in CRM. [10 marks]
Q.3 How to formulate and implement effective CRM strategies? [10 marks]
February 2011
Master of Business Administration – MBA Semester 4
ML0007 – Advertising Management and Sales Promotion - 2 Credits
Assignment Set – 1
30 Marks
Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions.
Q.1 Discuss the role of advertising in marketing mix and positioning decisions. [10 marks]
Q.2 How is media planning done? Explain the procedures involved. [10 marks]
Q.3 A MBA student wants to learn about ad copy – its objectives, copy testing, types of
copy, creativity in advertising and how it helps to advertise effectively. Kindly help her
to enhance her knowledge about ad copy. [10 marks]
February 2011
Master of Business Administration-MBA Semester 4
ML0007 – Advertising Management and Sales Promotion – 2 Credits
Assignment Set – 2
30 Marks
Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions.
Q.1 Explain the importance of advertising to marketers. [10 marks]
Q.2 What are the different types of budgeting methods applicable in advertising while
deciding about ad budgets? [10 marks]
Q.3 XYZ Company is a newly formed company dealing in lab equipment. They don’t have
much expertise in advertising. Suggest to XYZ Company as to how to select an ad
agency to advertise its products. [10 marks]
February 2011
Master of Business Administration – MBA Semester 4
ML0008 – Mall Management - 2 Credits
Assignment Set – 1
30 Marks
Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions.
Q.1 Give an overview on Indian retail. [10 marks]
Q.2 Discuss retail strategy formulation involving necessary steps. [10 marks]
Q.3 Write an elaborate note on demand management. [10 marks]
February 2011
Master of Business Administration-MBA Semester 4
ML0008 – Mall Management - 2 Credits
Assignment Set – 2
30 Marks
Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions.
Q.1 What is TCE? What is ABC classification? Give example. [10 marks]
Q.2 Give a note on Precision mall management. [10 marks]
Q.3. Do you find any similarities or differences or inter-dependence between CPG and
DFR? Justify your answer. [10 marks]
February 2011
Master of Business Administration – MBA Semester 4
ML0009 – Project Management in Retail - 2 Credits
Assignment Set – 1
30 Marks
Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions.
Q.1 What’s the scope for retail management as a profession? What is the role of project
manager in retail? [10 marks]
Q.2 How to identify investment opportunities for retail projects? [10 marks]
Q.3 Mention and elaborate on the planning commission’s guidelines for project
formulation in retail? [10 marks]
February 2011
Master of Business Administration-MBA Semester 4
ML0009 – Project Management in Retail - 2 Credits
Assignment Set – 2
30 Marks
Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions.
Q.1 What are the basis to appraise retail operations? Explain. [10 marks]
Q.2 Write a note on project environment in retail. [10 marks]
Q.3 What are the types of projects in retail and its life cycle in retail stores? [10 marks]
Spring 2011(Feb-July)
Master of Business Administration - Semester 4
“Total Quality Management” Specialization
QM0006 – ISO/QS 9000 Elements
(2 credits)
(Book ID: B1150)
Marks 30
Note: Each Question carries 10 marks. Answer all the questions.
1. Write a brief note on the following:
a. Quality Manual
b. Contract Review
2. What are the features and benefits of “Documentation”?
3. Assume that you are the Purchasing Manager of an automotive component manufacturing
company. What are the various parameters you consider while evaluating the
subcontractors? What criteria you use for selecting the suppliers?
Spring 2011(Feb-July)
Master of Business Administration - Semester 4
“Total Quality Management” Specialization
QM0006 – ISO/QS 9000 Elements
(2 credits)
(Book ID: B1150)
Marks 30
Note: Each Question carries 10 marks
1. Write a brief note on “Product identification, traceability and preservation”.
2. Describe the steps in process improvement program. Write a brief note on “Inspection and
3. Suppose say you have started a new Manufacturing Company & you are following the legal
rules and considering all the ethical issues. Now that you want to conduct Internal Quality
Audit. How do go about it? What are the factors you consider?
Feb 2011
“Total Quality Management” Specialization
Management of Quality in the Organization
Subject Code: QM0007
Book ID: B1139 (2 credits)
Set 1
Marks 30
Note: Each Question carries 10 marks
1. Explain the role of Senior Management in improving the overall Quality in an Organization.
2. (a) Write a note on Leadership vs Management.
(b) If you were supposed to judge an employee on his leadership qualities, what
parameters and competencies would you look at?
3. What is meant by Strategic Quality Management? Explain the steps involved in Strategic
Quality Planning.
Feb 2011
“Total Quality Management” Specialization
Management of Quality in the Organization
Subject Code: QM0007
Book ID: B1139 (2 credits)
Set 2
Marks 30
Note: Each Question carries 10 marks
1. Explain the steps involved in the process of determining the customer satisfaction.
2. Write a note on Decision making in Organization.
3. What is a business process? Describe the concept of Business Process Re-engineering.
Feb 2011
“Total Quality Management” Specialization
Quality Management System
Subject Code: QM0008 (2 credits)
Semester 4
Book ID: B1165
Set 1
Marks 30
Note: Each Question carries 10 marks
1. Write a brief note on ISO 9001 QMS requirements.
2. What is COPC? Describe the standards that comprise COPC family of standards?
3. What is ISO/TS 16949? Explain “management review” with respect to ISO/TS 16949. What
are the benefits of ISO/TS 16949?
Feb 2011
“Total Quality Management” Specialization
Quality Management System
Subject Code: QM0008 (2 credits)
Semester 4
Book ID: B1165
Set 2
Marks 30
Note: Each Question carries 10 marks
1. Explain AS9100 Family of Standards. What are the benefits of AS9100?
2. Discuss the importance and benefits of ISO 14001.
3. Discuss briefly the I.T Service Management. What are its benefits?
Feb 2011
“Total Quality Management” Specialization
Quality Development Methods
Subject Code: QM0009 (2 credits)
Book ID: B1154
Set 1
Marks 30
Note: Each Question carries 10 marks
1. (a) What is Strategic Quality Management? What are its Objectives?
(b) Describe the stages of Strategic Quality Management process.
2. Assume that you are working in a private run Airlines Company. Perform a SWOT analysis
for your organisation and prepare a report.
3. With an example illustrate the importance of Supplier Development.
Feb 2011
“Total Quality Management” Specialization
Quality Development Methods
Subject Code: QM0009 (2 credits)
Book ID: B1154
Set 2
Marks 30
Note: Each Question carries 10 marks
1. What do you mean by Participative Management?
2. Who is a “Stakeholder”? Describe the importance and issues in Stakeholder Participation.
3. What is meant by Performance Analysis? What are the advantages of Performance
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