Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions.
Q.1 Write a Note on Scope of Talent Management?
Talent management is a professional term that gained popularity in the late 1990s. It refers to the process of developing and fostering new workers through on boarding, developing and keeping current workers and attracting highly skilled workers at other companies to come work for your company. Talent management in this context does not refer to the management of entertainers. Companies that are engaged in talent management (human capital management) are strategic and deliberate in how they source, attract, select, train, develop, promote, and move employees through the organization
What is talent management?
The term talent management means different things to different people. To some it is about the management of high-worth individuals or “the talented” whilst to others it is about how talent is managed generally – i.e. on the assumption that all people have talent which should be identified and liberated. This term is usually associated with competency-based human resource managementpractices. Talent management decisions are often driven by a set of organizational core competencies as well as position-specific competencies. The competency set may include knowledge, skills, experience, and personal traits. Talent management is the recruitment, development, promotion and retention of people, planned and executed in line with our organisation’s current and future business goals. Because it is aimed at building leadership strength in depth, it creates flexibility to meet rapidly changing market conditions. A structured talent management process will systematically close the gap between the human capital an organization currently has and the leadership talent it will eventually need to respond to tomorrow’s business challenges.
Talent Management as a Strategic Approach
We view talent management as a strategic approach to managing human capital throughout the career cycle: attracting, retaining, developing and transitioning your most important assets.
Attracting Talent: Creating Assessment and Selection Strategies and Processes
Attracting qualified talent is the critical first step in the talent management cycle. The improving economy, Baby Boomer retirement and other factors are creating keener competition for talent these days, making this critical step tougher than ever. So how do you get a leg up on the competition?
Matching the Right Candidate to the Boss
Matching the right person to the right job is an acknowledged need in organizations. But one of the toughest challenges in selection often overlooked is matching the right candidate to his immediate boss. What makes that goal particularly tough is when the boss does not have a clue what kind of candidate would work well with him. Working with various tools, we can design and customize assessment exercises and materials. We also identify critical competencies your people will need, develop success predictors and consult with you on general recruiting strategies.
Retaining Talent: Reducing Turnover and Aligning Talent with Organization Goals
With 75% of employees looking for new employment opportunities at any given time and five million Baby Boomers expected to retire in the next few years, the war for talent is back on. Companies that develop successful retention strategies can win that war. Most companies today would acknowledge that their human assets are their most important asset. But since companies can’t own employees the way they own factories or product, your success or failure hinges on the quality and duration of the relationships you form with your people: retaining talent.
Developing Talent:
Challenging Your People with Executive Coaching and Leadership Development Programs.
Employees cite career development as one of two top job satisfiers, along with compensation. Your employees want to be challenged and developed. If they’re not, they will become less productive or perhaps even leave.
Career Partners International provides a full range of services for developing talent, ranging from career development, executive coaching and leadership development to new job integration, team building and succession planning. And our measurement techniques will demonstrate to top management how investing in your talent pays off.
Q.2 What are the key elements of talent Management system. Elaborate.
Q.3 What are the five selection processes in talent management?
Q.4 Discuss some strategies to improve employee retention?
Q.5. Discuss the role of HR in Talent Management.
Q.6 Define the elements of total rewards.ï€
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