Q.1 Explain the different types of communication with relevant examples. (10 marks)
Q.2 What are the general principles of writing especially business writing? (10 marks)
Q.3 How would you prepare yourself for an oral business presentation? (10 marks)
Q.4 You are a team manager having 15 members in your team. Two of your key team members are on 3-weeks leave. You have to call for a monthly team meeting within a week. How effectively you would plan and carry out this meeting? (10 marks)
Q. 5 Distinguish between circulars and notices along with formats. (10 marks)
Q. 6 You are a sales manager for a particular brand of mixer and blender. Frame a sample bad news letter telling a customer about that her claim for the product replacement is rejected on the grounds that the product didn’t have any defect during the sale. (10 marks) February 2011
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