Q.1 Write a note on the managerial roles and skills. [10] [10]
Q.2 Explain the social learning theory in detail. [10] [10]
Q.3 Explain the Big 5 model of personality. [10]
Q.4 What are the different factors influencing perception? [10] [10]
Q.5 Write a note on contemporary work cohort. [10]
Q.6 What are the special issues in motivation? Discuss Jan 2011
Master of Business Administration-MBA Semester 1
MB0038 - Management Process and Organization Behavior - Jan 2011
Q.1 Explain the theories of emotion. [10]
Q.2 . Discuss the techniques of decision making in groups. [10]
Q.3 Elaborate the different stages in process of conflict. [10]
Q.4 Write a note on GAS ( General Adaptation Syndrome). [10]
Q.5Discuss the power and influence tactics .[10]
Q.6 Explain the characteristics of organization Development. [10]
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