MK0011– Consumer Behaviour-Fall Drive-Assignment-2011

Posted by : Unknown | Wednesday, December 14, 2011 | Published in

Solved answer is ready for below assignment:

MBA Semester 3 Fall 2011 (August 2011)
MK0011 – Consumer Behaviour (4 credits)
(Book ID: B1240) / ASSIGNMENT- Set 1 / Marks 60
Note: Each Question carries 10 marks. Answer all the questions.

1. Why is it important to consider the behaviour of consumers while deciding on the marketing mix of the company? Elaborate with suitable examples.
2. List the different roles that a consumer plays while making a purchase decision.
3. Distinguish between differentiated, undifferentiated and concentrated marketing. Explain the concept with the help of suitable examples.
4. Explain the different Positioning approaches used by the companies Give examples.
5. Briefly explain the four personality types as identified by Carl Jung.
6 Explain the concept of ideal and actual self. Give suitable examples.

Solved answer is ready for below assignment:

MBA Semester 3 Fall 2011 (August 2011)
MK0011 – Consumer Behaviour (4 credits)
(Book ID: B1240) / ASSIGNMENT- Set 1 / Marks 60
Note: Each Question carries 10 marks. Answer all the questions.

1. List the important factors that influence consumer perceptions.
2. List the differences between absolute threshold and differential threshold? Discuss the implications of Weber’s Law.
3. Recommend any three marketing situations where the principle of grouping can be used with advantage.
4. What are attitudes? Discuss three component models of attitudes.
5. Discuss the application of multi-attribute model in changing consumer attitudes.
6. Discuss the different types of innovations with examples. Explain the role of communication and culture in diffusion of innovation.

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