MB0042 – Managerial Economics Fall drive 2011

Posted by : Unknown | Sunday, November 27, 2011 | Published in

Master of Business Administration - MBA Semester I
MB0042 – Managerial Economics - 4 Credits
(Book ID: B0908)
Assignment Set- 1 ( 60 Marks)
Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions.
Q.1 Price elasticity of demand depends on various factors. Explain each factor with the help of an example.
The concept of price elasticity of demand is commonly used in economic literature. Price elasticity of demand is the degree of responsiveness of quantity demanded of a good to a change in its price. Precisely, it is defined as:

"The ratio of proportionate change in the quantity demanded of a good caused by a given proportionate change in price".

The formula for measuring price elasticity of demand is:

Price Elasticity of Demand = Percentage in Quantity Demand XPercentage Change in Price

To get detail answer send inquiry/email at dkbhaskar7 {at}gmail.com or order online.

Q.2 A company is selling a particular brand of tea and wishes to introduce a new flavor. How will the company forecast demand for it ? 

Q.3 The supply of a product depends on the price. What are the other factors that will affect the supply of a product. 

Q.4 Show how producers equilibrium is achieved with isoquants and isocost curves. 

Q.5 Discuss the full cost pricing and marginal cost pricing method. Explain how the two methods differ from each other. 

Q.6 Discuss the price output determination using profit maximization under perfect competition in the short run.

Master of Business Administration - MBA Semester I
MB0042 – Managerial Economics - 4 Credits
(Book ID: B0908)
Assignment Set- 2 (60 Marks)
Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions. 

Q.1 Income elasticity of demand has various applications. Explain each application with the help of an example. 

Q.2 When is the opinion survey method used and what is the effectiveness of the method.

Q.3 Show how price is determined by the forces of demand and supply, by using forces of equilibrium. 

Q.4 Distinguish between fixed cost and variable cost using an example.

Q.5 Discuss Marris Growth Maximization model and show how it is different from the Sales maximization model. 

Q.6 Explain how fiscal policy is used to achieve economic stability.

Get solved answer by sending inquiry/email to dkbhaskar7 {at} gmail.com or order online.

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